About One QBE
One QBE Insurance Group sits among the world’s top 20 general insurance and reinsurance companies. Being an international corporation, One QBE needs to develop a consistent internal training course that all employees can have easy access to at various locations. And after a long period of consideration, the company opted for an animated staff training video, thanks to its versatility.
Applying animation to engage massive learner, saving resources for important tasks
As a multinational company, One QBE has its own problem in training about online global project management. All employees around the globe need to be trained quickly and effectively, without wasting too much opportunity cost. With animation, One QBE easily creates online courses which not only describe abstract knowledge but also respect the staff from different cultures. Therefore, this company saves training resources and spends them on other tasks – which bring revenue.
In video-based learning video, especially in animation, 1 minute shorter can save even 3000$.
F.Learning’s Solutions to One QBE’s Animated Staff Training Video
1. Style consultation to adapt One QBE culture and working style
Understand the learners of One QBE, F.Learning provides style (including characters and company culture) which is formal. The style presents One QBE real-life scenarios to help employees adapt knowledge easier.
2. Upgrading One QBE’s brand guideline into animation version
As a big company, One QBE takes branding issues very seriously. Everything needs to be consistent with the brand guideline, including internal training animation. However, since One QBE’s guideline is originally applied in image and logo, they concern if the guideline can convert into animation or if animation destroys the brand guideline. For solution, F.Learning keeps the basic elements of the brand guideline such as color, font, logo, and basic shapes, while creates new characters and background relating to their brand color.
We hope that the success story of One QBE Insurance Group has shed some light on the potentials of animation. It is the best tool for condensing abstract knowledge, process, and display information in engaging manners. Animation may just be the missing piece you’re looking for to boost the efficiency and consistency of your business’s staff training. Don’t hesitate to contact us! Book a call right now to start building a staff training video that may transform your company.
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