Best 4 Instructional Design Document Templates You Shouldn’t Miss

How can you ensure that your next online course will appeal to learners? Do you have trouble convincing clients to use your education solutions for their eLearning courses? The answer is very simple – An instructional design template. Without great materials, instructional design cannot properly determine the course direction and expected outcomes (engagement and retention). To solve this problem, you will need an adequate instructional design document and, ultimately, proper instructional design templates.

What is An Instructional Design Document Template?

An instructional design template is the scaffold of an eLearning course. It’s essentially a specified outline of decisions to be made about the course, including the purpose, objectives, and intended outcome, as well as an overview of learners, delivery methods used, instructional, media, and assessment strategies. A good instructional design document will get you well-prepared for developing eLearning courses.

Why Are Instructional Design Documents Important?

Instructional design documents set the foundation for designing effective online courses. While creative ideas for virtual employee engagement are certainly valuable, establishing a clear structure first is essential. Developing these documents brings all stakeholders—clients, reviewers, and team members—on board, ensuring a unified approach. Additionally, collaborating with eLearning design services can further enhance the design process, creating templates that convey your mission effectively to decision-makers, simplify the storyboard process, and ultimately increase buy-in for your product.

What does a Good Instructional Design Document Include?

Main topics: 

  • Project context: This should provide a short overview of the course’s purpose and its end objectives. 
  • Project requirements: All the familiar elements: cost, time, LMS platform, and standards.
  • Learning description: This gives you an insight into the learners: their profiles and learning environments.
  • Design approach: This specifies the media strategy (audio & visual) and which assessment strategy to deploy in designing the course.
  • Detailed content outline (DCO): The content strategy; a brief list of topics to be covered in the course.

Recommend reading

Optional topics: 

  • Scope and sequence of topics to be covered
  • Plan for testing and quality assurance

Free resources: 4 Iust-see Instructional Design Templates

You already have your instructional design template in stock, and it is adequate in the content department. Even though it easily conveys information to stakeholders, you still want to make sure it looks stunning and systematic enough. To assist you with your creative ideas and enhance your rapid eLearning services, here are 4 instructional design document templates. We wish you all the best in your endeavors!

Instructional design template 1

instructional design document template 1

Instructional design template 2

instructional design document template 2

Instructional design template 3

instructional design document template 3

Instructional design template 4

instructional design document template 4


There you have it! These are awesome instructional design templates awaited for you to download. With these templates available, your job of designing an eLearning course will be easier and more enjoyable.

However, if you want your course to have a personalized touch, why don’t give F. Learning Studio a try? With our expertise in visual solutions, we can support you in creating customized visual elements, such as animated videos, infographics, interactive elements… Contact us to elevate your content with stunning visuals:

Read more: 

Read more:  On the Job Training Steps: 5 Essential Steps for Success in 2024

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