How to Create an eLearning Course in 6 Key Steps

Developing an eLearning course always requires much effort. And you’re still struggling with how to create an eLearning course to be great and successful? Don’t be so stressed. Let’s go through this step-by-step guide with various helpful tips from F.Learning’s experts to improve your eLearning course quality. 

6 steps on how to create an eLearning course

#1 –  Identify your audience

#2 –  Clarify course goals and learning objectives

#3 –  Decide how to deliver the course

#4 –  Gather information and structure your content

#5 –  Complete the learning materials 

#6 –  Publish your eLearning course

Preparation Checklist to Power your Digital Transformation

Wondering if you miss anything in your preparation to digitize your training? This is just what you need.

Step 1: Identify your audience 

Some clients of F.Learning tend to build a one-size-fits-all eLearning course. It’s not right. Your audience should never be everyone. We always require them to identify who their audience is before starting with content development. 

It’s necessary because who they are, including ages, positions, educational levels, characteristics, e.t.c, can significantly impact their learning style. And only when having a particular answer do your course can touch and fulfill its audience’s demand. 

For example, children love the content with funny and colorful designs like cartoons. So in a project with The Bar Models Company, F.Learning chooses animation to illustrate maths in a kid-friendly concept. 

Step 2: Clarify course goals and learning objectives

Another key step in the preparation process is clarifying the online course’s aims and objectives. What results will learners get upon completing the training? Or what should they be able to do throughout the course? Answer those questions to define the purpose of your course. 

A clear goal and objective will play a role as a guideline for your entire course. It also helps you design an eLearning course that is useful for learners. 

Recommended reading:

Step 3: Decide how to deliver the course.  

This step will determine how learners will approach knowledge and experience the learning of the course. The delivery needs to be cohesive with the learners’ learning style and leverage the value of knowledge. 

There are three popular forms to design an eLearning course; including text-based, video-based, and game-based courses. This depends on your audience and learning objectives. A permaculture online course, for instance, needs to show scientific explanations that are hard to deliver just by word. That’s why we work with the lecturer to transform the content into animated explainer videos. 

After deciding on the delivery form, you will know whether you can develop the course’ materials by yourself or not. You can assign it to your in-house team or outsource it to a professional partner.  

TIPS #1:

We recommend you consider outsourcing the learning material development if you:

– Need a high-quality & professional content design 

– Aim at building a strong brand name for your business

– Have no idea of how to design the course

Do not try to save your expense just by doing it yourself. A good partner can still offer you the best option within your tight budget. 

Step 4: Gather information and structure your content 

To gather all the knowledge for a successful eLearning course, you need to work closely with subject matter experts and stakeholders. 

  • Subject matter experts (SMEs) act as the key idea generator and are the major sources for information. They also help to validate and revise the learning materials later. 
  • Stakeholders can be the course’s project managers, upper managers, trainers, or any tech experts.  All of them will support you to keep the project on track at all times.

Recommended reading: 

The next step in creating an eLearning course is to organize all the gathered information. A clear and strong course structure or outline allows learners to overview the entire curriculum better. Otherwise, a disorganized structure can confuse the learners and make them feel lost during the course. 

Regrading the content structure, F.Learning recently suggest changing to the Pull structure, rather than the traditional Push structure. 

Pull structure is an approach in which each learner can access all information simultaneously. And It’s the learner who decides what content will be pulled next. In this way, learners will have their own process that matches their learning style. As a result, it encourages the learners to learn and engage more in the course. 

image How to Create an eLearning Course in 6 Key Steps

(Design an eLearning course with the Pull structure solutionSource: eLearning Heroes)

TIPS #2: 

If your eLearning course includes a large volume of knowledge or information, divide it into shorter sessions or modules. In other words, we recommend you repurpose it into “microlearning.” 

A microlearning course contains a series of 5-8 minutes lessons. Each lesson, or module, covers only one topic and targets one learning objective. You should always remember this rule for the microlearning course: one lesson – one skill. 

Learn more about how to repurpose the online training materials for microlearning.

After completing the preceding steps, you can now finalize the instructional design document. This will be your scaffold to creating an eLearning course. If you don’t know how to write it properly, refer back to our templates for the best instructional design document.  

Step 5: Complete the learning materials 

Put all content together.

In particular, you will work on the detailed content for all the course sessions. It means that you need to fill in all the photos, videos, charts, infographics, or animations, in the outline. 

TIPS #3: 

In most cases of eLearning course developments, F.Learning always prioritizes the storytelling method if possible. It’s because storytelling can enhance the training by more efficient and engaging narrations rather than the dry academic details.

Besides, you can utilize storytelling in a wide range of eLearning topics such as application or soft-skills training. 

Also, take a look: Amazing advantages of the storytelling method in corporate training

Add suitable interaction factors. 

One vital element to creating a successful eLearning course is interaction.  If an eLearning or online course lacks the instructors’ presence, it will lead to a geographical distance in teaching-learning activities.

Interaction factors in eLearning can help grasp the learners’ attention and maintain their engagement during the course. This completes the online learning experience while making it memorable. 

Here are some ways that F.Learning suggest partners add some interactions into their eLearning courses: 

  • Asking questions: Raise some questions for learners to brainstorm or ask for their feedback about sessions. 
  • Making scenarios: a real-life scenario will make knowledge more practical to the learners. Learners will enjoy more a situation that is relevant to learners’ actual experience.
  • Creating groups or communities: online learning groups or communities are a great way for learners and instructors or peers to communicate and connect. 

Read F.Learning’s guide on interactive online training at: 

Add assessment and knowledge check

Whether it’s an offline or online course, assessments or knowledge checks are necessary to keep track of the learning process. A good assessment must be relevant and integrated into the learning process. 

In eLearning courses, quizzes and tests are the primary tools for assessments and knowledge checks. This also measures the course’s effectiveness at the level of how learners understand and remember the provided information. 

For more details of measure online training effectiveness: 

TIPS #4: 

Among various types, interactive quizzes are the one that drives engagement the most. It helps learners retain new knowledge longer, so consider including suitable interactive quizzes in your eLearning courses if possible.

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TIPS #5:

Many courses instructional designers suggest developing the assessments first before the learning materials. As you build the course to answer those questions, it ensures that your course can reach its learning objectives. So you can give it a try!

Step 6: Publish your eLearning course

Before officially launching, you can do a pilot run with a small group of learners. Remember to choose those who have little knowledge of the course’s topic so that you can gain further feedback. 

Now that you’re ready with the final version of a successful eLearning course. It’s time to upload them to a platform or learning management system, launching the training to your target learners. And do not forget to market your course to reach as much audience as possible. 

To sum up

We hope you find this 6-step guide helpful for your online training content development. In case you’re struggling with how to create an eLearning course at any stage, contact F.Learning for free consultations. 

Read more: 

Read more:  How to Create Microlearning Videos for Training and eLearning Purposes

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