4 Must-Have Things On Your Checklist To Hire A Great Animated Medical Training Video Service

Finding the right animated medical training video service can be a real challenge if you don’t know what to look for. The process is much more complicated than that of a single video job. What are the problems you will face when outsourcing animated medical training companies? Which tell-tale signs can help you avoid them? Read this article to find all the information you will need before going out to hire an animation studio.

3 Concerns When Working With An Animated Medical Training Video Service

1. Quantity & Schedule

Compared to making just one animation video, creating a whole series is an entirely different ball game. A series can cover more details, but it also consists of multiple episodes, meaning more production time. 

When you look for an animated medical training video service, you would expect the episodes to come out as planned. It’s essential to maintain the flow of the course, as well as the continuity of the project. Therefore, if the production time for adjacent episodes/sessions goes out of hand, the whole thing crashes. 

And when learners don’t receive the knowledge on time, they may drop out and leave a bad rating.

The Simple Nursing project. F.Learning helps this client produce 150 minutes of training animation series within 4 months.

2. Quality

How the series looks and performs is another thing to look at. In the case of medical training, consistency is key. That means the animated medical training course has to retain consistent quality from start to finish. It creates familiarity or patterns in order for learners to take on the knowledge faster. 

The information and concepts that medical and healthcare deals with are scientific. They require precision, even accuracy at the molecular level. Correspondingly, the animation needs to follow strict guidelines to substantially scribe the knowledge with motions and style frames. And that quality must retain all the way through the series.

When a training series lacks consistency, it’s a big turn down in the field of medicine and healthcare.

3. Budget

The big question you may already ask yourself is: “How much should I pay for an animated medical training series?”. The price tag will vary depending on a whole spectrum of factors (scope, style frames, quality,etc). But it always comes down to the balance between price and performance. 

Make the most “bang for your bucks” and squeeze everything out of your investment in the animated series. If you get the wrong end of the deal, you may just send the business into a financial deficit.

Hire An Animation Studio To Save You The Trouble!

All of the concerns above will melt away if you hire 2D animation production companies to do the heavy lifting for you. But that raises the question: How do you know whether a studio is fit for the job? What are the tell-tale signs that could prevent you from making the wrong decision? Keep on reading to find out!

4 Key Things To Look For When Approaching An Animated Medical Training Video Service

Check out the following insider information on the 4 key things to consider before you get in touch with an animated medical training video service:

1. Medical Expertise

When looking for a 2D medical animation studio, judge their experience and expertise in doing animation related to medical and healthcare. See whether the studio can showcase the understanding of the field. That way you save time explaining various jargon, terminologies, and concepts, and the production can just kick off right away. 

Also, note how the studio conveys medical knowledge through motions. The animation has to be original and engaging to watch. It greatly boosts the learners’ comprehension and creates professionalism for your projects. 

The medical expertise helps F.Learning a lot in delivering knowledge of blood thinner and the use of Heparin and Wapharin pharma

2. Past Experience With Medical Clients

Always ask for a portfolio from 2D medical animation production companies before making your decision. Take a look at their past experience in the field of medical animation. Did they have a similar job previously? If yes, then how did the project turn out? If you see big names or well-known medical businesses/organizations in the client list, it’s probably a good sign! Remember to stay alert for any tell-tale signs that suggest the studio may not fit your requirements.

Still too abstract? It's back to basic time with this e-book

The essential guide to medical animation

This eBook will guide you through the disciplines and principles of applying animation in the medical setting

3. Workflow Management

A good animation studio should be able to optimize the production time to give you the best results as quickly as possible. How they manage the work schedule and follow the timeline is crucial in maintaining the flow of your project. Put the animation studio to the test and see how they handle the daunting workload of an animated medical training series? Additionally, to ensure your control over the series, check if you can comment or make changes throughout the process.

4. Pricing

Last comes the financial dilemma, the most troublesome of all. For an animated series, it’s hard to come up with a fixed price for everything. The final expense depends on various factors, such as the fields, the level of expertise, the animation style,… However, you must make sure that you get what you pay for. 

Evaluate the animated medical training video service, see whether the price they ask could justify what they offer. Compare the final cost of the whole series and that of separate episodes combined. If it doesn’t seem like a steal, then skip it!

Also, put the opportunity cost into the equation. Consider what you may lose during the time of production, feedback, technical communication until the series goes online. The studio should give you a brief idea of how they can optimize everything above while guaranteeing quality. 

Make the most out of your budget or you may end up at the wrong end of the deal!

Looking For The Best? Try Our Services At F.Learning Studio

F. Learning Studio is proud to offer:

  • Efficient Workload Management: Our team of experts handles large scope of work like a charm, producing 80 minutes of animation every month to keep your project rolling at all times. 
  • Medical Training Video Expertise: We’re trusted partners with leading companies in medical training and education such as Intelycare, Simple Nursing… No further explanation of medical concepts and terminologies is needed here! See your knowledge reaching more clients with our animation.
  • Affordable Pricing: Great animation that won’t break your bank! We will help you stay on budget by providing various management strategies to optimize the results and minimize opportunity costs!
  • Fast and Effective Communication: 24/7 hotline to receive and answer any of your animation-related queries. We also provide free consultation calls to make sure you find the best art style and reach your goal fast!
  • Customer-centric Experience: Focus on delivering the top experience for our customers. We provide free demos and style frames to guarantee quality.

Keen to learn more? Book your consultation call right now! It’s free.

animation review process

New to working with an animation studio? This includes all you need to know

Quick Guide: Partner with an Animation Studio to Develop Your Training Program

Read more: 

Read more:  Medical Animation and Audio-Visual Creation with 7 Examples

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