Training Implementation: A Full Guide to Monitor a Training Project

Many businesses have training programs that require an efficient process to leverage their benefits. However, a good training implementation process doesn’t happen by chance. To implement a training program, we will go through 3 main points: What it is, what to manage, and how to manage it.

What is the Training Implementation Phase in the ADDIE Model?

Implementation is the fourth stage of the ADDIE model. When the Development stage is complete, it’s time you bring your training program to life. You will load training content to the LMS system during the implementation phase. Also, you will prepare documents and guides for employees to enroll and access the courses. Meanwhile, your team may prepare systems for tracking and monitoring. The implementation phase requires a high level of management skills to ensure success. 

training implementation meaning
Implementation brings the training program to life, requiring precise management skills.

What to Manage During the Implementation of Training

#1 Training Schedule

We are all aware of the importance of time management, especially during the training implementation phase. Scheduling assists you and your executives set, tracking, and achieving training objectives.

If you manage your training time seamlessly, you’ll be able to deliver high-quality training in less time. It is crucial to maintain an employee training schedule that includes.

  • The timeline for the training activities
  • The frequency level when scheduling a training program
  • Staff curriculum’s timeline
  • Material update schedule
  • Material producing schedule
  • Examining schedule
training implementation: procedure
Effective time management ensures high-quality, efficient training delivery and success.

#2 Communication

Ensure your L&D team is on the same page

The majority of the training implementation process requires extensive contributions from stakeholders. Therefore, everyone involved in a project should understand: 

  • The overall objectives and ultimate goals 
  • The brief information of learners
  • Master timeline
  • The complexity levels of relevant tasks

Additionally, each stakeholder (learning designer, project developer, etc.) should be ready for the launching of the training project by preparing:

  • Learning materials
  • Tools and software for delivering training programs

To manage your L&D stakeholders, please take a look at the article:

Training the instructors

Before the learning process starts, it is crucial to properly train the instructor and ensure that he has all course-related information. The information includes:

  • The course content
  • Curriculum
  • Learning outcomes
  • Delivery methods
  • Testing procedures. 
training implementation plan: train the instructor
Make sure the instructor has all course-related information

Prepare the learners

The next step of the training implementation process is to prepare the learners for the upcoming educational process. This step will ensure everyone stays on the same page once joining the training.

Your staff will need to learn about the training platforms and tools (software/hardware) and how to enroll in the course. Besides, you should also give them a course summary, including the course outline and the passing grade.

Ensure your executives understand the content and how to use the tools (both software and hardware) after the preparation.    

#3: Resources 

Training resources include anything required to complete the training implementation. Without them, it is impossible to achieve a successful training project. 

Two types of resource management include: 

If you’re worried about the working process with the outsourcing studio, let’s take F. Learning studio’s experience of how they managed to meet big clients’ expectations. 

Before each project, they offer customers detailed plans with the deadlines for each video in the series, including the illustration day, feedback day, animation day, etc. 

Consider a sample timeline that F.Learning created while working with the client Exp Design. Exp Design specializes in creating custom eLearning courses for business training. Thanks to this table, both companies understand the timeframe and what to expect from each deadline.

vendor selection process timelines

F. Learning groups the project’s videos according to the stage of creation by using ClickUp. As a result, the exact amount of work left on the project is known to F.Learning and its clients. It allows them to be prepared to commit to the deadline by making necessary production time adjustments.

vendor selection tasks

How to Manage Training Implementation Plan

Below are some tips for running training programs to keep your training implementation on track.

#1 Utilize tracking tools

Employee tracking software makes tracking the training implementation easier through numerous management, documentation, monitoring, and reporting features. 

Similar features are available on other e-learning platforms. For convenience, all information is saved in one place and can be used to track learner progress through the course and evaluate the success of your training program.

To ease your employees’ fears of being spied on, be sure they know your aims when employing software tools to track staff development.

implementation training: use tracking tools
Employee tracking software simplifies training implementation and monitors employee progress effectively.

#2 Create a Procedure for Reviewing

You need a method for monitoring progress to learn more about your training program. The process contains information that you will examine:

  • Training completion dates
  • Facilitator evaluation
  • Time logged in or out of training modules
  • Employee reactions.

It will also help to determine the tracking timetable, your supporters in this activity, the required resources, and the format for your report or supporting documents. Once you’ve established the foundation for your process, producing reports and recommendations for improving training results will be much simpler.

#3: Produce Practical Documentation

Training management effectiveness requires thorough documentation. But whether or not the material is practical is the most crucial aspect of an effective training project.

You could, for instance, draft a project charter that outlines the goals, the scope, and a high-level strategy. However, is your project team aware of their duties and roles? Are you keeping detailed records of your project’s development? Will you be releasing status updates regularly?

The more you document, the more user-friendly it will be, increasing the success rate of the training project. The more you write, the more user-friendly your documentation will be. 

training implementation plan: documentation
Effective training management hinges on practical, well-documented project processes

#4: Deal With Scope Creep

No matter how much planning you do, scope creep still occurs even if you make the effort to define expectations. It’s time to intervene as soon as you notice that stakeholders or contributors depart from the project’s original objectives.

Depending on your stakeholders, you might sometimes agree to a modification in scope. If so, it should be clear what effect it will have on the project’s deadlines, training budget, and resources needed to finish it.

Final words

Training implementation is much more than simply posting a few PDFs on a website. When done properly, you will meet your business objectives, optimize your earnings, and improve your employees. If you want to jazz up your training programs with engaging visuals, don’t forget that F. Learning Studio is willing to help you. With our interactive elements and animated videos, you will experience a boost in learners’ engagement and knowledge retention.

Contact us now for a FREE consultation

Read more:

Read more:  L&D tools part 1: The best 5 Course Authoring Tools in 2022

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