Episode 01: Moving Training Online – Don’t be a Serious Perfectionist


L&D managers, what is the key challenge when moving training online?

L&D professionals spend most of their time recreating training programs that fit best to the online environment. However, this is a part of the big picture. When moving training online, many things happen in between, for example, time limit, spending limit, technical issues, resource management, etc. All these issues can lead to misconceptions about moving training online. Thus, the success of moving training online depends heavily on the context of your company, your L&D department, and your current business goals, not only the quality of the online course.


This month, our hosts Mia and Vy discuss the common misleading of the term “Moving Training Online”. Vy points out the ugly trusts and hidden issues when delivering the training program online. Meanwhile, Mia notes some tips on how to move training online quickly, but effectively.

Read more:  How to Stop Sweating Over Chunking Training Materials

The F.Learning Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast.

What we discuss in this episode

Listen now to get insightful information on:

  • The common misleadings when moving training online.
  • Which things should L&D managers shift focus to?
  • How to contribute and manage resources to ensure a succesful training transformation.
  • Tips and tricks to move training online quickly and effectively.

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Our additional resources for better understanding:

Read more:  Microlearning For Employee 101: All You Need to Know

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