7 Best eLearning Video Examples for Inspiration

You might have read a lot about how to deliver eLearning courses or training content in video format. But,  it’s hard to imagine how a great video will be if you haven’t worked with this content type before. In this article, our consultants at F.Learning share some effective eLearning video examples. Check it out and find the best option to meet your video requirements. 

Does Using Video in Learning and Training Work?

In case your company is still considering between training videos and traditional in-person lectures, let’s look at the following statistics: 

  • In Microsoft, video helps cut training costs by more than $300 per employee. It significantly goes down from $320 to just $17 per person.
  • IBM saved $579 million for two years after launching its video learning program. 40 percent of those costs come from travel and accommodation expenses. 

Regarding the learners, the video definitely gets them more engaged. Forrester Research shows that 75 percent of learners are likely to choose video rather than email, document, or article. Learners’ retention rate also increases by 35 percent during the video eLearning course. And this is right for all types of training videos and eLearning videos. 

So now you can confirm how video impacts the effectiveness of training or eLearning courses.  To find your answer to how a good training video is, go through some effective eLearning video examples below. 

benefits of using elearning videos

Find out how to turn new people into team players faster & smarter with animation:

7 Best Examples of Effective Training Videos & eLearning Videos that Inspire

  1. Pagliacci Pizza – Live-action instruction for masterful techniques
  2. Permaculture – science animation online course
  3. Golden Safety Rules – 3D animation for safety employee training
  4. UNSW – eLearning course for finance
  5. CEI-Europe – eLearning courses on the self-created platform
  6. CityCare – medical, educational video
  7. LifeSaver – Interactive training video

1. Pagliacci Pizza – Live-action instruction for masterful technique

This is among the best examples of effective training videos for employees in live-action type. Pagliacci Pizza has delivered its training on hand-tossing pizza dough to new hires via a 2-minute video. It’s short but still enough to guide a high-level technique from its pizza dough master. 

By using the video, the trainers do not need to go around and train personally, again and again, every time there are newcomers. This saves them lots of time and costs for organizing new training classes frequently. 


If you deliver repeated training sessions with the same content, using videos in eLearning is a cost-effective option. It’s because you just need to produce the video once then use it multiple times.

And in particular, when your training topic is about a technique, live-action is the most popular type to choose. It can help you to demonstrate exactly how to do things. 

414x364 11 7 Best eLearning Video Examples for Inspiration

Finding more ideas to make the best of educational animation in your training? Download this.

Animation Application in Employee Training - Preparation Guide

We have some tips for employee training video production. Take a look at

2. Permaculture – eLearning video example for science online course

Geoff Lawton, a permaculture consultant, has produced over 700 live-action videos for his online course about the sustainable ecosystem. However, he soon finds out that live-action can not portray all the explanations in the course. Permaculture is way complicated that includes many scientific concepts and processes about climates and environments. 

In this case, F.Learning has consulted Mr.Lawton to reproduce all scientific explanation sessions with animation videos. Illustrations make the knowledge more engaging and easy to understand. 

Besides, we combine our animation parts with his talking-head footage instead of renewing all the content.  It helps to save his budget a lot by making use of all his old materials.


Live-action might not work for all training or eLearning topics because some abstract ones are impossible to film. However, animation videos can do that. With graphics and motion, animated videos can easily visualize and portrait things that are hard to see with naked eyes. That’s why most science-related eLearning courses use animated videos. 

Recommended reading:

3. Golden Safety Rules – 3D animation for safety employee training

The video is from HSE Batna, which uses animation to show how to deal with risky on-the-job situations. The training provides some harsh reality that workers will not find in a manual. They can be, for example, unsafe driving practices, gas pipeline explosions, or dangers from electrical protection equipment. 


In cases of HSE training, it’s usually too dangerous and costly to film such a situation. And using animation video with characters is a more favored alternative. 

There are two types of animated videos with characters: 2D and 3D animation. 3D animation may offer much more stunning visuals, just like the Golden Safety Rules video. While 2D animation still brings the same effectiveness, it also comes at a lower price. So make your choice based on your budget. 

You can compare training video costs by type at: 

4. UNSW (University of New South Wales) – eLearning video example for finance

We all know that finance training content is heavy on definitions and terms such as bonds, cash flow, etc. In the project with UNSW, F.Learning’s challenge is to make those theological terms easy-to-grasp and less monotonous for learners. 

With experience in eLearning video production, F.Learning suggests using whiteboard animation for this abstract topic. Simple illustrations and a minimum number of colors allow us to simplify all complicated content. This simplicity also helps viewers to focus more on the core ideas. 

We also attract learners’ attention and enhance the impact with audiovisual content that guides them throughout the courses.


Research shows that the human brain can analyze data in charts more quickly than in tables of numbers. It means that data visualization results in better patterns identification and analysis. 

That’s why instructional animation videos can help learners to process huge amounts of data in an illustrative format. 

5. CEI-Europe – eLearning video example on the self-created platform

The technology company, CEI-Europe, launches specialized higher education e-learning courses on the self-created platform. Instead of a written introduction as PDF, they order F.Learning for a step-by-step guide video for new users. 

We agree on choosing the motion graphics types to simplify all illustrations and visuals. It allows viewers to focus more on features and their operation. Motion graphics also demonstrate the interface in a basic look, which is more understandable while still interesting than the actual screen-captures.

Besides, we know that CEI-Europe wants their video to look professional as they provide higher education courses. And motion graphics, which is animation without characters, can help them ensure that. 


Motion graphics is the most popular type to go when you want to introduce a platform or software. Its basic visuals and graphics help complex ideas or difficult concepts simpler and easier to digest for viewers. 

6. Simple Nursing – eLearning video example for medical courses

In this healthcare training video, F. Learning Studio turned hard-to-digest medical knowledge into something cooler. Animation explains complex concepts in an engaging manner, using vibrant colors and images to capture the audience’s attention. This not only evokes students’ interest but also helps them increase understanding and retention rate.


Boring slides easily make learners doze off. Using animation in eLearning is a great idea to spice everything up and enhance learning experience.

7. American Red Cross – Training video about CPR

A cardiac emergency can happen anywhere and anytime, so the American Red Cross created a video to guide people on how to conduct CPR properly step-by-step. The instructor’s clear guidance helps ensure that viewers can easily follow along and learn effectively.

To Sum Up

The video format is always the first choice for training or eLearning courses in the digital world. There are various types for you to choose from, depending on your audiences, goals, content, and budget. Now you see how other businesses succeed with their effective training videos and eLearning video examples. If you’re still struggling to find yours, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. 

Read more: 

Read more:  How To Make Training Videos For Employees (2024 Updated)

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