Apply Animation into your Corporate Training Videos: A Start-To-Finish Guide

To provide successful training sessions, you have to cope with numerous difficulties. The teams are fundamental for designing courses to optimize training processes while maintaining the budget. The negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed you to even more difficult situations. In this situation, other conventional training video types such as talking head or live-action have shown their limitations. This is when animations should be applied to corporate training videos. Companies that want to provide information and knowledge to employees without spending much time should also use training animation.

Who can use animation in corporate training videos?

  • Learning & Development (LnD) teams: Each business has its own problems in staff training. Most of them are abstract knowledge delivery, massive learner engagement, and quick absorption. With visualization strength, animation can help break down abstract topics into digestible bites. Moreover, animation provides diversified styles (character, company background, realistic situation, etc) that fit different company cultures. That’s the reason why it fits every learner. Thus, the company can speed up the learning process.
  • eLearning agencies: If your courses are for staff, then animation is a competitive advantage. Compared to others competitors who use talking-head videos, animation helps your business become outstanding in front of customers. Not only visualize abstract and theory-based knowledge, but animation can also give a fun vibe into your courses, bring practical-based knowledge closer to learners.

Which topics can animation cover in corporate training videos?

In fact, the animation is friendly with many topics. For corporate training, we group into 3 main topics:

Health and safety training

If your business relates to medical, construction, chemical, manufacturing industries, etc, then animation is extremely important in health and safety training. There are many safety rules, processes that need to follow to prevent accidents. All staffs need to understand quickly to meet productivity expectations when minimizing accident rates. Moreover, the COVID-19 pushes companies into the difficult situation in finding a solution that helps deliver new knowledge as much and as quickly as possible.

Animation saves your time by describing processes and rules in the workplace. With visualization strength, animation can show specific real-life situations to give learners an interesting but warning vibe during the training process.

Below is an F.Learning video of Fire Safety Training:

Office training

Office training is a wide topic including orientation training, skill training, equipment/system training for staff. Office training covers a lot of abstract and theory-based knowledge. Compared to traditional training methods like talking-head, animation helps learners to self-study, then save a lot of training resources. Take a look at the example below – an F.Learning’s corporate training video about leadership skill:

Finance training

Like office training, finance is a topic covering abstract knowledge that needs to visualize by animation.

Why should you choose animation for training?

  • Save training resources for more important tasks: Since there are many other tasks waiting, you can’t spend all your time in training. Animation helps learners self-study with ease. You will save training resources including trainers, classroom, time, etc.
  • Engage massive learners quickly: Instead of wasting resources on training massive learners, animated corporate training videos can save you all. No need to suffer from scheduling challenges; a paper-based system or reporting on learner participation.
  • Upgrade core product, create competitive advantage, and BOOST revenue: For eLearning agencies, apply animation into your core product – corporate training videos, you will create your own competitive advantage that makes you outstanding compared to others in the same industry.
414x364 11 Apply Animation into your Corporate Training Videos: A Start-To-Finish Guide

Finding more ideas to make the best of educational animation in your training? Download this.

Animation Application in Employee Training - Preparation Guide

What to notice when outsourcing animation for your corporate training videos

Quantity and timeline

If you want to produce animation series, then you should pay attention to production time and publish time. One miss-deadline video can take your whole training process in trouble. In this case, an animation studio that expertise in handle animated corporate training videos at scale.

Simple Nursing – one of the F.Learning projects – 150 minutes of animation are made within 4 months

Consistent quality

Consistent quality affects learner experience. Since you outsource animation series on a fixed schedule, consistent quality may be affected. An animation studio you choose must be good in project management (back& forth feedback management, effective communication, etc) to remain consistent quality.


For LnD Department, the budget bases on your scope (one-off video or series of corporate training videos); timeline, and quality. For eLearning agencies, the budget also bases on your opportunity cost (back&forth feedback time, communication time, etc.) and your expected revenue. Whatever the purpose is, you need to put everything on the table, choose the most concerned one and discuss it with your animation vendor. A good vendor will help you calculate them, which one should focus on, which one should be minimized, then you will have the best values on a fixed budget.


If you are looking for a new training method and find corporate training animation interesting, why don’t you give F. Learning a try?

Just give us your plans, we will guide you through the whole process and help you tackle any problem. Don’t worry if you only have a draft of ideas and don’t know where to start. Pick up your phone and feel free to tell us, we give you proposals and plans base on your ideas. With our products, you can effectively train your employees and boost the company’s performance

Read more: 

Read more:  9 Learning Retention Strategies To Ensure Training Knowledge Stick

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