Why F.Learning Studio is a perfect partner for your
Animated Training Video Production
Animation Management From A-Z
Outsource online training comes with risk and timeline management. But it would be safer with our specialized management process. We ensure the quality without breaking your given training schedule.Expert in using animation as a training solution
It's not animation. It's an animation application used in online training. Your business model is different, and this comes with different training challenges. Don't panic; we've got your back.Need a hand with your online training process?
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Integrity’s Leadership Training Programs
The goal of online training delivery is to maximize the good while minimizing the bad. There will be no disruption of current resources and learner preferences. We assist I&V in utilizing the training materials available for online learning. Then there’s animation. Perfect! Animated training videos engage employees better, and track results easier.

IntelyCare’s Nurse Training Program
Since the pandemic, Intelycare needs to train its nurse staff as quickly as possible, to serve the demand of hospitals. However, the company didn’t want to compromise the quality of the content. Learning goes with them in their online training delivery journey: calculate training cost, consult on learner engagement strategy, timeline management, and high-quality visuals. With animated training videos, F. Learning Studio has helped them attract +15.000 nurse professionals.

One QBE’s Staff Remote Training
The hardest part of creating a new online training program for 14,500 employees is to maintain the staff’s productivity and old good feelings. F.Learning makes the training content concise by reducing unnecessary assessments. Then, we use animated training videos to deliver it online. To maintain a friendly vibe from old training, we keep the core elements in One QBE’s brand guidelines. Then, design characters fitting their cultural diversity.