New Hire Training: Dos and Don’ts for Department Heads

What’s inside

About the New Hire Training Dos and Don’t Guide

1. Why “Dos and Don’ts”?

Training and developing new hires can be overwhelming with all the jargon and conceptual definitions. But fear not, department heads! We know you’re short on time and need actionable advice to optimize your new hire training practices. That’s why F.Learning has created this concise and engaging guide with a “do and don’t” format that’s easy to follow and packed with practical tips.

2. Who will use this guide?

This guide is specifically designed for department heads and L&D specialists who want to excel in their new-hire training process. Based on the ADDIE model, you’ll find five key do’s and don’ts for each phase, from analysis to evaluation. We’ll help you cut through the noise and provide clear explanations, ensuring consistency in your actions and maximizing your training efforts.

With this on-point and interesting guide, you’ll be equipped with the tools to navigate the new hire training process like a pro, incorporating best practices. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to onboarding success with this must-have resource!

3. What’s in the guide?

  • A tutorial on using dos and don’t guide
  • “Dos and Don’ts” checklist based on the ADDIE model