#1 Expert in Visual Design Solutions for Onboarding

Leading the Way in Transforming Training Content

Empower your team and unlock their full potential with our comprehensive Animation for Internal Training services. At F Learning Studio, we provide tailored visual solutions that ensure the most impactful and cost-effective education experience for your employees.

Discover the Magic:
Our Vibrant Animation Categories!

Engage new hires from day one with interactive visuals that lay the groundwork for their career at your company.
Make complex product details easily digestible and retainable, ensuring your staff has full command over your product line.
From soft skills to technical know-how, our animations help foster continuous growth and skill enhancement.
Clarify and reinforce the critical processes and procedures that keep your company running smoothly.
Stay current and craft compelling visual content that resonates with your audience across social platforms.

F.Learning makes a revolution in new-hire onboarding materials! 

Animated Onboarding Solution

Animated Onboarding Solution speeds up knowledge absorption, reduces the effort in helping new-hire engage with the company’s spirit! By transforming long, tedious textbooks into short, charismatic animations. 

Check out some of animated videos we’ve made

Here are some of the animated videos we’ve made for incredible partners.

We can condense any complex concept into short animation series.

Aviassist Training Animation

Integrity & Values Training Animation

IntelyCare Introduction

Permaculture Showreel

ICareBetter Whiteboard Animation Training

Simple Nursing Showreel

How we are involved in your training transformation?


We put learning at the heart of everything we do. Our dedicated learning designers work closely with subject matter experts, ensuring each training module is tailored for optimal knowledge retention and skill enhancement.


We get it, looks matter! Understanding how important visual appeal is in training, our visual maestros craft materials that not only teach but educate, engage, and inspire.


Animation is our secret weapon for enhancing training engagement. Boring topics? Not on our watch! Retention rates shoot through the roof!


Our training content seamlessly integrates with your current learning management systems, guaranteeing a smooth experience for administrators and learners alike


Let’s kick off with a deep dive into your project, pinpointing those crucial milestones, timelines, and what’s needed. We rock agile project management to keep things cruising and on point. Staying in touch and looping in your team is key – ensuring we’re always on the same page. The end result? Training content served up with speed, style, and a touch of finesse.

Why choose us, you ask?

Market-Tested Success
Our portfolio speaks volumes about how we've nailed training content for different industries. We've got a solid track record of boosting learning outcomes.
Cost-Effective Solutions
We get the importance of cost-effective training. Our solutions give you a wallet-friendly alternative to the usual methods, saving you time and resources.
Visual Design & Animation Mastery
Visuals and animation? That's our jam. We rock at using animation to break down tough stuff, making killer visuals that match your vibe and connect with learners for a top-notch training experience.
Market Knowledge
We know your industry and what you need for training. Our custom solutions are all about tackling the unique challenges and goals your organization faces.


An Excited Newbie of INTEGRITY & VALUES 
"Who knew learning could be a blast? Thanks to the animation magic, tough concepts are a piece of cake now! Learning's a hoot and my memory's top-notch. Total game-changer, folks!"
A Normal Worker Thought He Had Known Enough
Rolling out training was smoother than butter on a hot skillet! Teams were so hooked, it was like watching a hit TV show. Training's gone from zero to hero!
A Happy Training Director
Our training makeover with F. Learning was like a Hollywood transformation. Tailored advice made our programs sparkle! We're Oscars-ready for the training hall of fame!

FAQs – May be you wondering…

1. How do I customize the training videos to fit our company's culture and values?
Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your organization's culture, values, and training objectives. We then tailor the content, tone, visuals, and animations to align closely with your company's ethos, ensuring the training resonates with your team on a deeper level.
2. Can F Learning videos be integrated into any Learning Management System (LMS)?
Yes, our training content is designed for seamless integration with various Learning Management Systems (LMS). Our team works closely with yours to ensure smooth implementation and accessibility across all platforms.
3. How do you measure the impact of your training videos on learning outcomes?
We employ a combination of feedback collection, engagement analytics, and post-training assessments to gauge the effectiveness of our training videos. This data helps us refine and improve our offerings continually.